Wednesday, May 8, 2024

What Makes Me Retreat

You know how they have those "love languages?"   They are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch.  Those don't just apply to romantic relationships but all relationships really.  Mine is definitely words of affirmation/appreciation.  I have always been a thoughtful person and I love to do little things to make people happy.  On the flip side of that, if I do things for people and don't get so much as a thank you for it then you can bet they fall lower on (or off of if ignored repeatedly) my list of people to randomly do nice things for.

Why am I bringing this up?  I guess it's been swirling in my head lately so why not throw it out there about how few people I know seem to think the way I do.  I tell myself maybe it's an age thing but I know people older than me that are just as bad about thanking someone for giving of their time, money, support, etc.  An example that comes to mind is a family member who had their first bout of Covid early on due to working in a very high risk job.  He was in his mid 30's, lived alone and we've always enjoyed hanging out and causing chaos at events.  When I heard he had it and would need to isolate, I sent him a few coloring books and crayons of stuff he liked when he was a kid straight from Amazon so he'd get them quicker with a note on the receipt.  It was like four days after I knew it had been delivered and I was bouncing off the walls wondering if he was okay and not wanting to bug him.  

Monday, May 6, 2024

Quick Hawaiian Spinach Salad

I don't know about calling this an official 'recipe' but I have to say it's one of our favorite go to meals since January and I thought maybe y'all would like it too!

Doesn't that look good?  

The main ingredient is the Hawaiian Chicken from Aldi.  I almost cringe putting it there because they, like their sister company, Trader Joe's something pull stuff out of rotation seasonally.  So if you're lucky enough to have one near you and it's in stock, grab it!

Here's how I put our salad together.

Friday, May 3, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #18

Welp, it's the first Friday of May already.  Everyone always gripes about winter but no one realizes when we finally come out of Mother Nature's springly mood swings the year is close to half over.  It's getting too warm for this winter girl already.  *begins Fall countdown*  


We were in a bit of a cleaning frenzy this week and I had help from the chiro to get things stretched back out again.  Between him and my slant board, hopefully my calves will one day get that I plan to stand as long as I like without any lip from them!

Let's say we get to:

What Is Zone 2 Cardio, and Does It Live Up to All the Hype?  (Let's find out!  Thankfully I can glance at my watch and get an idea if I'm close)

How to Build Endurance for a Stronger Heart and Muscles  (Got to do it!  Especially since puh puh puh puh pa puh pumps your blood!  This is only second to Fonzie jumping the shark.)

How to declutter your home: a comprehensive, room-by-room guide  (I need to, big time.  I've got some drawers that are a mess and hoping these bad boys can help me at least get stuff wrangled.)

How to Start Small Rituals That Make Every Day Feel Special  (I think most of us could use this!)

7 Reasons Your House Always Looks Messy  (Because I don't clean it??  Actually, I did get one of these that helps tremendously with cleaning the bathroom without putting my back into fits the next day!  Now I just need to use it more!)

The Best Sleeping Positions for Your Specific Sleep Issues, According to Experts  (My side sleeping has caught up with me in the form of rotator cuff tendinitis according to the chiro so I need to find a new position...or pillow.)

How to Be There When Mother’s Day Isn’t Easy  (A BIG shout out to these companies that ask you if you'd like to opt out of Mother's Day promotion emails so you're not traumatized in your grief.  Father's Day as well in this house but for completely different reasons.)

How to Turn IKEA Alex drawers into Shaker drawers (Man this looks awesome but I have zero motivation to put as much effort into that right now. Sharing it in case someone else does!)

Stephen King names the horror movie he couldn't sit through as he was too scared  (People now will never understand that the brilliant marketing had never been done before and we all thought what we were watching was real.  Sooo, sorry reboot/sequel, it will never live up to the original because you can't recreate the hook that brought people in!)

Miss a post this week?  Catch up below!

The Mr and I agree it's road trip time.  We're tired of sitting around the house or knocking small stuff off the honey do list.  (You know, like me finally taking Christmas down from the bedroom two weeks ago? 😳)  So hopefully a little self care/mental health refresh on the books this weekend!

What are your weekend plans?  Any mental health breaks in your future?  

(This ain't rhetorical, y'all!  I miss seeing ya in the comments!)

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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Double Up Roller Review

Y'all, I bought a thing in a moment of desperation with my leg/foot issues.  I was mindlessly scrolling and an ad popped up for this Double Up Roller.  I did a search so I could see reviews and was surprised it actually got good reviews on Amazon.  It was more than I wanted to pay at the moment but I was desperate to attempt to get my leg imbalances in check.  The biggest problem I have is I can't get a good angle on rolling on a foam roller or being able to reach certain spots on my calves.  The Mr is kind enough to massage them on occasion but his hand muscles always go kaput before my knots wave the flag.  This was my last ditch effort to see if I could reach where I needed to and not bother him.  I made sure it was returnable before buying and hoped for the best.

Not to spoil it but if you read the top picture, you know how I feel about this.  I have always had a hard time either digging in hard enough to get any kind of release in the chunkiest part of my calves or getting into the sides of my shin muscles.  While I love my Stick, this current bout of effed-uppedness required something with some leverage behind it that I couldn't get with that.  (Nope, not even with my favorite foam roller either because it can be hard to balance on that with your body weight when your shoulders are also not in the best shape.)  Here's what it looks like with my two favorite attachments.

The smooth roller on the left is a little more rigid than another one that is included and I use that for the leverage.  The one on the right is the one that can dig into all of the right spots.  My default position for my calves are tight AF and not much else.  But do you know how hard it is to roll a bazillion spots of tightness when you've got a large surface area to cover??  When you use this, you are able to roll both front and back/ side and side of your calves, thighs, quads and yep, even forearms!  That means I get to go twice as deep in half the time.  (That's what she said.)  Sorry.  Oh yeah, you can also roll your feet but it personally didn't do much for me on that front but that doesn't mean someone else might not benefit from it!

You see the left side up there?  That makes the Double Up Roller reversable meaning I can hold onto the two handles and roll the ridged one on my inner calf or wherever while getting good pressure on the opposite side with the smooth roller.  Then I flip one handle the opposite way and that makes it so the ridged would now be on the other side and vice versa.  I actually just took a break and in 90 seconds, I rolled both calves from rubber band tightness to temporary release.  (I say temporary because I'm still training them to not be in a constant state of tightness between this and the slant board I'm using to keep the calves lengthened from years of a sitting job.)

I also love that it has a carrying case for travel or just neat storage.

It allows you to pack the roller as well as bring all of the necessary roller heads with you/have them at the ready.

The one on the left is the other firmer smooth roller like the one already pictured at the top so you can use two if you want.  The middle bumpy one is designed to break up scar tissue and stuff but honestly, I feel like I get that more with the ridged one.  I'm not above popping one off and trying the other to see what my legs need for the day and it's literally the click of a button, slide it off, slide the other one on and it clicks into place.  The final roller is a slightly softer smooth roller.  I used this one to start out and I especially use it if I'm going to need to have that part over my shin bone to roll the back of my calf.  For extra comfort on the shin bone, using a towel or another type of pad might be necessary as I've seen a lot of people complain about it being uncomfortable around the shin bone.   I will also use that bumpy one on it's own to roll my feet after a walk.   It paid for itself the first night between the Mr and I!  

I'm a 'tenser' so I hold stress everywhere and that includes my legs.  I keep mine beside the couch and set up reminders every two hours to roll my legs because I'm trying to lengthen everything to get out of months of leg imbalance/dysfunction.  My ankles also tend to get really "congested" and tight and sort of act as a bottleneck.  I will put the ridged roller on the front of my ankle and lightly rest the other roller on the back of my leg and I'm able to gently but effectively roll the front of my ankle where it's uncomfortable even for a massage.  I'm hoping being consistent with that will help open things up even more and keep good ankle mobility, especially as I age.

If y'all have been here over any amount of time, you know that I've bought a LOT of stuff to aid in helping my screwed up legs.  Big ol tomahawks for drainage and digging, Graston/gua shua tools to help with scar tissue, specialized foam rollers, stick rollers that we keep on every floor AND the car...all of it.  While it all helps in their own ways, the Double Up Roller is the one thing that I would choose if I had to pick ONE thing out of it all to keep.  (But you're not prying any of those other things out of my hands, yo!  They all serve purposes for sure!!)

You know I don't do reviews unless something has truly helped me and I think someone else could get good results with it.  This is one of those things.  At the time of publishing it's $149 for the model I'm reviewing and worth every penny!  That is just over two visits to the chiropractor and while I love mine, I love money in my pocket more so it's a no brainer for me.  Whether I need to recover my barking gams from a long day of standing doing meal prep, a long walk, a killer leg day that has me Army crawling or holding tension from stress in my legs, the Double Up Roller is the quickest way to help me recover!  (This review is NOT sponsored, I just friggin' love it!! 😆)  Here's a demonstration by a dude with way better lookin' legs than I have showing the way I use it most.  I hope this has been helpful because I know this bad boy sure has been helpful to us!

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Monday, April 29, 2024

That's a Wrap on April Recap

Sup y'all!  The month of April was quite the whirlwind yet also seemed to drag a bit in parts.  Mother Nature was off her mood levelers or something because you never knew if you were getting snow, 80 degrees and blinding sunshine, hail, tornadoes, gale force wind and the threat of rain pretty much all month.  I suppose I'm somewhat grateful for the warning about the impending tornado we were supposed to get early in the month as it lit a fire under my butt to get the space under the stairs available for retreat.  This forced me to quickly move the stuff from the pantry shelves I'd procrastinated switching to the Brimnes IKEA pantries.  When I saw the auxiliary shelf was now clear, I could start the task of moving stuff from the back shelves to that shelf where things would be more accessible and when the back shelves were open I could begin the task of moving Mom's stuff from under the stairs higher up to the back shelves.  (You follow all of that?! 😜)  Having those tasks done allowed me to start going through boxes that never made it upstairs after last March's reno.  You know what I found?  A box from July 2022's reno!!  So yeah, while the basement isn't sparkling clean yet, one projected weather event set off a positive chain reaction to deal with things that my grief addled brain couldn't conceive of starting on my own.

Speaking of which, we're heading into month nine.  Her stone finally came in right after Easter which was a relief.  Nothing ever really feels settled until that bittersweet memorial is in its permanent place.  Then you look at it and say "okay Mom, joke's over."  The worst part?  I can't even visit her grave in peace... she passed right across the street.  The way we have to approach the cemetery is the same way we took every day to visit her and my fight or flight kicks in just as it did then.  I have to close my eyes as we approach and look the other way out the window inside so I don't see it.  If I do see it, have you ever seen The Crow?  (The original...the only one that should've ever been made given a man gave his life for the movie.)  This scene where Eric "gifts" Top Dollar all of the pain that Shelley went through before she died?   I see that with Mom... every time I see where it ended.  It is exactly like that.  I can't stop it.  I can't control it.  It just comes like a jackal ripping at every fiber of me to remind me of her suffering and she was the last person who deserved to go out like that.  But there it is, like a demonic shadow just over my shoulder when all I want to do is visit with her and grandma in peace.  People claim it will go away with time but it hasn't.  The only thing that has changed is my ability to not go into an external break in front of the Mr over it and usually wait until he's asleep to let it out.  So watch that clip (but stop it at 2:46 before he hits the ground) to get an idea of the mental anguish because it's literally a carbon copy of the flashes of PTSD but with Mom.  (Just in case anyone was fooled into thinking my humor or snarky posts meant I was "better.")  So April has been a whirlwind of progress, processing and lots of tears and attacks to attempt to breathe my way through.

It's also been about the Mr attempting to get his varicose veins taken care of.  That whole ordeal began just as Mom's time was coming to an end.  He started with the ablation and then it was a wait and see for a few months to see if his veins shrunk enough to hopefully qualify for sclerotherapy.  They seemed to so he went ahead with it and after a month found out they needed stronger stuff because the baseline didn't work.  He goes back next month to see if everything took which is nerve wracking until he gets the all clear.  By the end of the month, I was getting an evaluation of my own from his doctor.  I've always had poor circulation in my legs, heaviness that isn't just my weight, itching by the ankles and over the past few years, a disturbing pattern of discoloration by the ankles and tops of feet.  A quick search showed I needed to get it taken care of ASAP so I made the appointment.  What a year to decide to go with the high deductible plan.  🙄  But we just reached our deductible so now it should be just copays.

Despite keeping up with most of the new to us weight loss plan we started in February, I lost nothing for a month.  I pulled back on some habits because there was just too much going on and it got very frustrating.  I have been doing everything I can to get my legs better so I can incorporate more movement into my day but on paper, I should've been losing 1-2 lbs per week.  It starts to make you think of drastic measures.  Last week, I lost a rogue 4 lbs and Saturday another pound so I guess just in the nick of time I lost 5 lbs for the month.  I got my protein back up as well as water so who knows if that was direct correlation or not.

Needless to say I am begging May to play nice and give us a respite from the madness.  (Too vein stuff is set up towards the end of the month as well as the new diagnosis I told you about last week.)  I'm hoping I can capitalize on a bit of motivation but I know some other stuff that may be a stress fest is on the horizon so I need to find a way to balance and prioritize my mental health.  Not to mention oh, you know, needing to decide what to do with the stairs, rip out old balusters and install new ones, scrape, stain and rehang the handrail to the basement, paint and caulk the baseboards, put up new patio fence slats, rip out old bathroom floor (that inspired Mom to do hers the same) and install new as well as a new toilet.  You know...easy stuff that isn't even a part of the aforementioned stress fest.  I should be (more) insane by the Fall! 🤪

How was your April?

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Friday, April 26, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #17  Come here.  

A little closer.


It's Fridaaaaaaaay!!!!

Wee doggies!  

Okay, that's way too much excitement given we've got nothing warranting that much excitement planned for the weekend but still, some weeks just be that way?  You feel me?  

Now it's time to feel:

Benefits of Spinach: 3 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating More of This Superfood  (We love it and throw it in whenever we can.  Don't forget to give it a wash!)

8 Great Lower-Body Exercises for People With Knee Pain  (Good stuff because no one wants to make knee pain any worse!)

A Quick ‘Fart Walk’ Might Be Just What You Need to End Your Day  (Pssht, in this house any time of day is the right time of day for quackin ducks.  I wonder why we don't have visitors?)

Not Sure What to Talk About in Therapy? 12 Things to Consider  (Good points to remember.  I'll be starting my quest to find someone I match up with later this year.)

Can I Use My RMDs to Transfer Money Into My Roth IRA?  (Ugh, why is retirement so hard and confusing?!)

The film fans who refuse to surrender to streaming: ‘One day you’ll barter bread for our DVDs’  (It's true.  We've got over 300 DVD's and buying the digital copy means you don't own it!)

'The Crow' soundtrack turns 30: Looking back on the album that defined an era  (Truly one of the best soundtracks.  I'll never forget seeing it several times in the theater.  I was obsessed with the movie and Brandon.)

15 Facts About ‘Twister’  (One of our favorite movies and quote it incessantly.  It was out when we were married and we saw the marquee for it in Waikiki.  I wish I'd taken a pic)

Miss a post this week?  Catch up below!

I'm aiming for an equal amount productivity and shenanigans if I can find a balance between the two.  I'm hoping to get some stuff arranged and where it needs to be to take some stress off.  Why does it seem like the quest for having a clean, tidy home from top to bottom is never going to happen.  Instagram lies.  (Which is why you're here...I make you feel better about the messes in your home.  You're welcome!)

Any plans for the weekend as we wrap up the month?

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Hump Day Poll: May Flowers

What flowers are popping up in your garden?

I didn't do any last year but I might like to get some perennials established this year like phlox out front and maybe a purple rose if I can find one for Mom.  Not quite sure out back but hoping for some good ideas from you guys!

(Also, there's a post coming tomorrow so swing back by)

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